Romans 1: 18-23 – Text will be King James for this online
study. Class versions will be ESV/HCSB.
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed
from heaven against
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in
Rom 1:19 Because that which
may be known of God is
manifest in them; for God hath shewed it
unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him
from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that
they are without excuse:
Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful;
but became vain in
their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 Professing
themselves to be wise,
they became fools,
Rom 1:23 And changed the
glory of the uncorruptible
God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and
creeping things.
Main Point: Mankind has known about God by the things
He has created, but idolatry has been mankind’s preference over the obvious
power of Jehovah. This is not an excuse for ignoring Jehovah God. (We can
assume due to the idolatry inference that he is addressing Gentiles). Why would
he say this?
10. Write down
all the things the wrath of God is revealed again and explain what those things
are. Ungodliness, unrighteousness,
which ultimately suppress the truth. In this context it will be ignoring the deity of
Jehovah and replacing Him with all manner of manmade gods.
11. How has God
been made plain to the world? Explain how these things are clearly seen. The
basic understanding of a created world demands a creator. This verse clearly pierces
the heart of current “science” whose basic objective is to remove the instinctual
seeking of God by removing the perceived possibility of any god. When one frees
the mind of talking heads and simply, honestly looks at creation….God is the
only honest answer (truth). The complexities of life are only now becoming
apparent and most science against God is crumbling under its own weight of
12. What are the
two sins that lead to the immorality of the Gentiles? What lessons do we learn
from this? They knew God, but did not glorify Him, or thank Him. First one
must consider these truths….about who God is and what he has done….His power
and fully encompassing wisdom. And, how He has supplied us with all we need. The
scriptures are full of examples of strong characters who give themselves credit
when it is God who has performed great deeds through them. It is easy to move
from the paradigm of humility. This is why God asks us to remind ourselves of
Him….through prayer…worship…Lord’s Supper
13. What will
happen to us when we commit these sins? Claiming to be wise, we become
fools. It’s interesting how many in our culture point a finger at Christians as
fools…scoffing, mocking and ridiculing. Then turn and bow to the new gods of
today. Seeking confirmation of their biases based in failing sciences and mock
intellect. We should not however become angry when these people come after us
with their spite. Spite and insult is the mark of someone whose conscience is
haunting them. They are to be pitied, and helped if they are willing. They live
in perpetual fear.
14. Explain
verse 23. What is Paul describing the Gentiles doing? Paul is describing
what many humans do to get God out of their hearts/minds. They take a wonderful,
perfect God, fully worthy of glory….fully worthy of worship…and turn Him into something
carnal. This is done for a multitude of reasons, but it starts with a selfish
heart. Self serving. Self aggrandizing. Self motivated. Remove God from the
equation, and do whatever you want. Many people see freedom as being “free from
a deity” whose only purpose is to control and punish. These actions can be
motivated by a view of religions’ over-zealous need to control peoples’ lives.
The gospel will set us free. What is ignored is that one God is being replace
by another god. Either way, we serve something…it is inescapable.
UNGODLINESS: G766 - From G765; impiety,
that is, (by implication) wickedness:
UNRIGHTEOUSNESS: G93 - ad-ee-kee'-ah From G94; (legal) injustice
(properly the quality, by implication the act); moral wrongfulness
(of charater, life or act): - iniquity, unjust, unrighteousness, wrong.
G225- al-ay'-thi-a From G227;
truth: - true, (G227 – not concealing)
21) HONOR (glorify) G1392: dox-ad'-zo From G1391; to render (or esteem) glorious
THANKFUL _G2168_ yoo-khar-is-teh'-o
From G2170; to be grateful,
that is, (actually) to express gratitude (towards);
specifically to say grace at a meal:
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